tell us about your experience We would appreciate your feedback Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Health Pavillion Survey * How would you rate the availability of information regarding men’s health issues such as prostate cancer and mental health? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor Health Pavillion Survey * How often do you participate in general health screenings (e.g., cholesterol, blood sugar levels)? Annually Every few years Only when symptomatic Rarely Never Basketball Station Survey * How often do you engage in physical activity (e.g., walking, running, sports, gym workouts)? Daily 3-4 times a week 1-2 times a week Rarely Never Basketball Station Survey * How important is maintaining physical health to you? Very important Important Neutral Not very important Not important at all Basketball Station Survey * How important is maintaining physical health to you? Very important Important Neutral Not very important Not important at all Strech Tent What barriers prevent you from stretching regularly? (Select all that apply) Lack of time Lack of motivation Physical limitations or injuries Lack of knowledge on proper techniques Other (please specify in message section) Strech Tent How important do you think stretching is for overall mental well-being? Very important Important Neutral Not very important Not important at all Fuel Station How important is proper nutrition to you in maintaining your daily energy levels? Very important Important Neutral Not very important Not important at all Fuel Station Do you consume any protein supplements (e.g., protein powder, bars)? If so, how frequently? Yes, daily Yes, a few times a week Yes, occasionally No, never Water Station Have you noticed any health improvements (e.g., better digestion, clearer skin, increased energy) from drinking more water? Yes, many improvements Yes, some improvements Neutral No improvements I haven’t increased my water intake Water Station Do you prefer to drink plain water, or do you add any supplements (e.g., electrolytes, flavorings)? Plain water Water with electrolytes Flavored water Other (please specify in message section} Event Overall Experience How important is men’s health? Very Important Important Neutral Not very important Not important at all Event Overall Experience How likely are you to attend another Men’s 5K Wellness Walk Very Likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely How did you hear of us? Option 1 Option 2 Message * Thank you!